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Bregnano (CO)

To enhance the client technology and attention to detail right from the fence, while providing a louvered perimeter system to give privacy to the complex.

Produits utilisés: 
Les chiffres: 
  • 100 m2 Talia Ventus Screen H 1596 mm c/c 2000 mm
  • 2 sliding gates1870 mm x 600 mm

A market leader who built up his success manufacturing timber floors, window / door frames / furniture industry and interior profiles, elected Nuova Defim Orsogril Talia fence to stylishly protect his Como based maxi facility. This is the Castiglioni company based in Bregnano that maintained his production plant elegance and stylistic care using a steel fence in line with the landscape aesthetics, without neglecting privacy, security and functionality. 

The client was looking for a product that starting from the fence and the entrance gates – any building first sight "business card" – would emphasize his offer high-tech look and details care peculiarities.

Talia was a solution capable of combining craftsmanship inspiration and industrial perfection with the Italian design common denominator; this final topic to be considered a strong point leading to the product easy installation and the minimum use of cut to size panels.

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